The Guest House

Welcome to the Guest House Gateway

The Guest House is the professional development division of tkscm, limited. Professionals in the Guest House program (called “Guests”) participate actively in an accelerated and highly-fluid “live curriculum” of real business engagements through different divisions of tkscm, limited. Once accepted as a Guest into the Guest House, completion of the program is individually-dependent, variable and usually takes about 6-12 months. Specific criteria and curricula are designed and updated on an individual basis directly by tkscm, limited Members to facilitate intensive and holistic professional growth for each Guest. Fundamental LOPSIII knowledge is essential for success in the Guest House program.

Applications to be a Guest in the Guest House are accepted on a rolling basis and they come in the form of a series of free questionnaires (“QUESTS”). Please answer the questions using ONLY information you are comfortable sharing. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable divulging information that is too personal, and we don’t want your precious, untapped business ideas (progressing Guests will have a chance to explore them on their own.) The QUESTS are designed to facilitate an introspective process to help YOU evaluate if this is the right time in YOUR LIFE to try to pass through the Guest House. Engaging with the economy as an ethical capitalist is incredibly rewarding and stimulating, but it is also challenging, so it cannot be done halfheartedly. From wherever you are now, it will be hard work to get where you need to go. Some hopeful candidates might find that they need to improve their core financial literacy, or perhaps spend some time speeding up their reading engine before they are actually ready for the Guest House program demands. If you want to upgrade your life and no longer fear the unknown, the Guest House can be the life-changing opportunity you may need. Remember that all progress involves learning and the letting go of former ways of thinking, doing, and being.

Acceptance as a Guest into the Guest House is very competitive and highly selective. Whether or not you are invited to be a Guest after completing this first round of QUESTS, we strongly believe that participating in this self-analytic process has significant and lasting benefits. The QUESTS are regularly refined and updated to provide as much contemporary relevance as possible for all participants.

QUESTS are Now Open!

All of the Guest House QUESTS are FREE!

Though it costs NO MONEY to enter into the Guest House program, it does cost TIME, ENERGY, and HUMILITY.
(Arrogant a**holes who already know everything need not apply)

To begin the application, respond to the following questions of the Gateway QUEST on this page. After you submit the Gateway Quest, your First Official QUEST will be sent to the email you provide.

Gateway QUEST